COPAR Community Assembly

Yep! That's me on our COPAR Community Assembly. I'm one of the speakers that time and I was interpreting and explaining the data we have gathered from our community survey. My topic was about the community's immunization status, their drug habits and the most common diseases found in the community.
While the talk is going on, some of my classmates are also busy taking blood pressure at the back for those who want to kno their blood pressure.
We also prepared snacks for the 50+ people who attended our Community Assembly and some raffles for those who can answer the questions we throw at them. Of course, the questions are related to the topics discussed, so they really have a reason to listen to our discussions!
The COPAR Community Assembly is the last and most tiring part of our COPAR Exposure so we took some pics with all the members and Clinical Instructors present.
Jan! mingawon sad mi nimo....huhuhu :(
more information pls........
is it really community assembly or community dialogue?
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