Nov 12, 2010

Nursing and Physical Assessment Study Guide. Detailed coverage of physical exam, assessment techniques, assessment scales, blood tests, and more (Mobi Medical)

Nursing and Physical Assessment Study Guide. Detailed coverage of physical exam, assessment techniques, assessment scales, blood tests, and more  (Mobi Medical)

Boost Your grades with this fully illustrated study guide. Detailed coverage of physical exam, assessment techniques, assessment scales, blood tests, and more. FREE Vital Signs and Basic Biometrics in the trial


Intended for nursing, medical, and dental students and residents.


  • Fully illustrated.
  • Detailed coverage of nursing duties including analysis and assessment techniques.
  • Navigate from Table of Contents or search for the words or phrases
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  • Text annotation and mark-up
  • Access the guide anytime, anywhere - at home, on the train, in the subway.
  • Use your down time to prepare for an exam.
  • Always have the guide available for a quick reference.

Table of Contents

Vital Signs: Temperature | Blood Pressure | Pulse | Respiratory rate

Basic Biometrics: Height | Weight | BMI | Pain scale | PQRST Method for Symptom Assessment

Primary Assessment Techniques: Inspection | Palpation | Percussion | Auscultation: Heart Sounds | Heart Murmurs | Lung Sounds | Bowel Sounds

Physical Examination: General appearance | Organ systems | Medical history | Differential diagnosis | Cancer Signs | Edema | Universal precautions

Blood Tests Reference Ranges:
Clinical biochemistry: Electrolytes and Metabolites | Liver function tests | Other enzymes and proteins | Other ions and trace metals | Lipids | Tumor markers | Hormones
Hematology: Red blood cells | White blood cells | Coagulation
Immunology: Acute phase protein markers of Inflammation | Autoantibodies
Other: Serology | Arterial blood gas

Serum Electrolytes:
Sodium: Hypernatremia | Hyponatremia
Potassium: Hyperkalemia | Hypokalemia
Calcium: Hypercalcaemia | Hypocalcaemia
Magnesium: Hypermagnesemia | Hypomagnesemia
Chloride: Hyperchloremia | Hypochloremia
Phosphate: Hyperphosphatemia | Hypophosphatemia
Bicarbonate: Hyperbicarbonatemia | Alkalosis | Hypercapnia || Hypobicarbonatemia | Acidosis | Hypocapnia

Other Standard Tests and Scales: EKG | Oxygen saturation | Ulcer assessment | Glasgow coma scale | Pediatric Glasgow Coma Scale | Muscle strength | Bristol Stool Scale | Tanner stage | Odor Intensity | X-Ray

Injection: Subcutaneous | Intramuscular | Depot | Intravenous | Insulin Types

Medical Abbreviations: 0–9 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W-Z | Latin abbreviations

Abbreviations for medical organizations and personnel: A-B | C-N | O-Z

Measurement Units: Metric system (SI) | SI writing style | Powers of 10 prefixes | US units and conversion to SI

Anatomical Terms: Position | Direction | Motion

Cranial nerves: I olfactory | II optic | III oculomotor | IV trochlear | V trigeminal | V1 ophthalmic | V2 maxillary | V3 mandibular | VI abducens | VII facial | VIII vestibulocochlear (cochlear, vestibular) | IX glossopharyngeal | X vagus | XI accessory | XII hypoglossal


Price: $19.99

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